A special minute was entered into the minute book on the death of King Edward VII as follows,

'On Friday the 6th May 1910, the whole nation was stricken with profound grief by the lamentable death of our Lord and Sovereign King Edward VII, Protector of the Craft. And not only our own beloved Realm but all the Nations of the civilised parts of the Earth, join with us in this, our great and overwhelming sorrow. Kings and Emperors, Princes and Rulers have bowed their heads to the Divine Will of the Great Architect who in His Wisdom has thought fit to call our Beloved King to that Grand Lodge above, to find that peace which he so nobly strove to maintain here upon Earth. Truly did our late Protector prove himself the Supreme Grand Master, that we knew him in the Craft as a lover of Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love, the sentiments that we profess to follow and promote and in which he was unequalled in the practical application among his own Subjects and other Nations. Not only for ourselves as loyal subjects do we sorrow, but also for Her, whose loss is irreparable, whose grief is without comfort, our Beloved Queen Alexandra, the widow of a Great and Noble Mason, whose life's work was Peace and Charity. May the heartfelt sympathy and love of all our Brethren unite in prayer, that Heaven may shed its benign influence upon Her and that the Grand Architect may in his Divine Mercy assuage Her sorrow and grant Her that Peace which only His Divine Light can give. On Friday, the 20th May, the Brethren of this Lodge, together with those of the Union Lodge No.127, accompanied His Worship the Mayor, W.Bro W.H.White. P.M. P.Pr.G.A.D.C., to the Memorial Service at St.Johns Church, in which the Corporation and many other public bodies joined, thus paying their last tribute of respect, except in memory to our late Sovereign whose name will go down to prosperity as the Great Peacemaker.

At the meeting of June 6th 1910 a notice from Grand Lodge was read relative to Mourning to be worn by all Members of the Craft when in Lodge, owing to the Death of our late King Edward VII.

A notice from Grand Lodge was read requesting Lodges, while passing resolutions, expressing sorrow at the melancholy event above referred to, not to transmit any resolution for presentation to His Majesty the King, as this would be done in proper form by Grand Lodge.

It was proposed that the copy of the telegram sent to Her Majesty Queen Alexandra offering the sympathy of the Brethren, upon the sad death of his late Majesty King Edward VII, together with the reply thereto should be framed and hung in the Temple.

The meeting held on March 6th 1911. It was proposed that a letter was to be sent to the R.W. Provincial Grand Master, Bro Cornwallis and Mrs Cornwallis offering them the Congratulations of the Officers and Brethren of St.Johns Thanet Lodge No.2753 upon the occasion of their Silver Wedding. Carried unanimously.

At the Installation meeting held on November 6th 1911 the W.M. presented to Bro. H A Vasse a Secretary's Jewel on behalf of the brethren in recognition of his services to the Lodge. The W.M. spoke in the highest terms as to the admirable manner those services had been rendered and whilst regretting his enforced departure, wished him on behalf of himself and the Lodge every success in the future. Bro Vasse responded, thanking the Officers and brethren for the honour conferred upon him and the kindly reference made as to his future. W.Bro Adams asked the W.M. to accept the Respect Board he had placed in the Lodge. The W.M. accepted on behalf of the Lodge and thanked W.Bro Adams, both for the Board and the kindly thought promoting the gift.

The meeting of January 5th 1914, it was proposed and seconded that a past Secretary's jewel be presented to Bro J A Drain in recognition of his valuable services as Secretary to the Lodge for the past two years. This to be presented at the next meeting in February.

The meeting of April 6th 1914. A letter was read from Mr A Pearson having reference to the efforts now being made for enhancing the supply of Braille Literature for the Blind and appealing for assistance toward that object. One Guinea was suggested and acceded to as a subscription from the Lodge and left with the Almoner to forward.

The meeting of December 7th 1914 a letter from the Daily Telegraph appealing for assistance towards the fund being raised by them to present to King Albert. A discussion took place re: the Daily Telegraph fund and it was proposed by W.Bro J Brighouse and seconded by W.Bro J Warrington and carried unanimously that the sum of £1.1s.0d be subscribed from the Lodge funds, and that a collection be made among the Brethren, which resulted in the total amount of £3.5s.6d being forwarded to the fund.

The meeting of January 4th 1915 it was proposed by W.Bro Setterfield and seconded by W.Bro Brown, "that the initiation fee paid by the late Bro. Ralph be refunded to the Guardian of his daughter," and that it be left to the Lodge as to whether the money should be repaid in one sum or paid over at the rate of £1.1s.0d per month. Carried unanimously.

It was proposed by W.Bro Setterfield and seconded by W.Bro Brown that the sum of �1.1s.0d be sent from the Lodge funds to the Belgian relief committee.

The meeting of February 1st 1915. A letter from W.Bro Callards dealing with resolutions which he proposed to submit to Grand Lodge, giving power to Lodges to exclude German Masons from Lodges under the English Constitution. W.Bro Callards proposals were unanimously approved of by the Brethren and the voting paper accompanying the proposals was signed by the W.M. and his Wardens and all the P.M's present.

The meeting of April 12th 1915 it was proposed by W.Bro Setterfield and seconded by W.Bro Brown that £1.1s.0d be sent to the Smokes for Soldiers fund and to the Lord Roberts memorial fund for disabled servicemen. 

The meeting of May 3rd 1915 it was proposed by W.Bro Brighouse and seconded by W.Bro Warrington that the sum of �1.1s.0d be voted from the Lodge funds to the Wounded Allies Relief Fund. Carried unanimously.

The meeting of December 6th 1915 it was proposed by W.Bro Brown and seconded by Bro Craft that the sum of 10/6d be voted from Lodge funds to assist those Masonic Brethren who were interned in Germany. Carried unanimously.

The meeting of January 3rd 1916 it was proposed by W.Bro Brown and Seconded by W.Bro Palmer and supported by W.Bro Brighurst and carried unanimously that the sum of £2.0s.0d be voted from the General fund of the Lodge to the daughter of our late Bro. Ralph, to assist in defraying the necessary expenses incurred by the admission to an Orphanage.

The meeting of February 7th 1916 the W.M. referred in well chosen words and with great feeling to the loss our Lodge in particular and Masonic circles in the District had sustained by the death of our W.Bro John Brighurst P.M.127, 2753, P.Pr.J.G.W. of Kent. In the course of his remarks, the W.M. referred to the fact that the late Bro. Brighurst was the Father of The St.Johns Thanet Lodge, had been its first Master and for many years the Treasurer and Almoner in the Lodge. Although W.Bro Brighurst was so well known and respected in all Masonic circles it was in the St.Johns Thanet Lodge where we could claim to be most intimate with him, he was not only by virtue of being the oldest member, recognised as the father of the Lodge, but by his good qualities and sterling character, he had endeared himself to every member of the Lodge and the Brethren were proud to acknowledge him as Father and the W.M. was voicing the feelings of every member when he said that though we had lost our W.Brother, we had for all time with us the memory of his great services to Masonry and that his loss should impress on us all that we should keep his memory green in the annals of the Craft by following the glorious example he had left us.

On Wednesday February 9th 1916, the mortal remains of our late W.Bro John Brighurst were laid to rest in Margate Cemetery when the W.M. attended and was supported by 7 brethren of the Lodge and the W.M. of the Union Lodge No127 and 16 brethren, also W.Bro White the secretary of the Bradstow Lodge No.2448. After the sprig of Acacia had been thrown on the coffin as a final leave taking, the Brethren returned to the Masonic Temple when the Dead March of Saul was impressively rendered by W.Bro Silas Palmer I.P.M. and brief and appropriate addresses were delivered by W.Bro Beerling and W.Bro F Blake. The proceedings terminated by the Brethren singing the first two verses of "Abide with me".

At the meeting of October 2nd 1916 it was proposed and carried unanimously that the arrangement as regards the rent payable to the Temple Trustees be cancelled and that the rent payable in future be as follows, For each meeting of the regular Lodge, the sum of £1.11s.6d be paid. Any emergency meeting to be paid for at the same rate. For the Lodge of Instruction, the sum of £5.5s.0d per session be paid, such sum to be guaranteed by the regular Lodge, this amount to include the use of the Temple for any Committee meetings it might be necessary to hold in connection with the business of the Lodge.

The meeting of December 4th 1916 by desire of the Provincial Grand Master that the Lodge went into mourning for six months as from November 16th 1916 for the Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro. S R Macartney who had passed away.

The meeting of April 2nd 1917 by fiat of the W.M. in accordance with rule 185B.c. a ballot was taken for the admission into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry of Mr R L Hartley, age 26 years, Warrant Officer R.N. W/T Port Victoria, Kent. Proposed by W.Bro Setterfield and seconded by W.Bro Craft which resulted unanimously in his favour. Previous to the ballot being taken a letter was read signed by W.Bro Setterfield as proposer and W.Bro Craft as seconder, stating that the cause of the emergency was that Mr Hartley who had just returned to England, was liable to be sent away again at any time and that he was desirous of joining The St.Johns Thanet Lodge before doing so. Mr Hartley was then regularly initiated into Freemasonry by the W.M. The secretary reported that our Bro. George Lawrence, who for 18 years so ably filled the office of Tyler to St.Johns Lodge, passed away on the 21st March 1917.

At the meeting of May 7th. 1917 it was proposed by W.Bro. Brown and seconded by the W.M. that Bro Charles Thomas Willis be elected Tyler of the Lodge. The appointment to date from this meeting but that he shall not be invested until the next Installation meeting and that the remuneration be at the rate of 7 shillings and 6 pence per meeting. Such amount to include the delivery of the summons.

At the meeting of December 10th 1917 there were seven candidates for ballot. All were unanimously elected. Also at the meeting of Jan 7th 1918, there were a further four candidates.

At the meeting of March 4th 1918 two brethren were Raised to the sublime degree and two brethren were initiated, all individually.

On the 6th May 1918 Mr Dooley was initiated by the W.M., also Lt Oakey. R.N.V.R. stationed at the R.N. Seaplane Base, Westgate on Sea. It was proposed and seconded that Mr Ford and P.O. Douglas both from the R.N. Seaplane Base, Westgate on Sea be admitted as candidates.

On the 3rd June 1918. It was proposed and carried that the Initiation fees be increased to 10 Gns.

At the meeting of 7th October 1918 there were proposals for two Joining members and six candidates for initiation of which four were serving members of the forces.

At the Installation Ceremony held on 4th November 1918 a letter was read regarding the Raising of one of the members of St. Johns Thanet Lodge by The Martyn Lodge No. 1938. The installing master

1918 was an exceptional year. 23 meetings and the work carried out are as follows.
Initiations: 20    Passings: 17     Raisings: 15

At the Emergency meeting of 20th January 1919 there were two Passings and two Raisings all done separately, also at the Regular meeting of 3rd February 1919 there were two Raisings and two Initiations each done separately as before.

This seemed to be the usual practice to carry out three or four ceremonies every meeting and emergency meeting for the next twelve months.